Thursday, December 15, 2005

Happy Bill of Rights Day

On December 15, 1791, the Bill of Rights was ratified. The Bill of Rights limits the power of the government and protects the rights of the people. It was so important that several of the original 13 states would not ratify the Constitution without it.

Won't you help the Libertarian Party of Ohio protect our Bill of Rights?

Nearly everything that makes us proud to be an American comes from the Bill of Rights: it guarantees the freedoms to speak, print, read, assemble, pray, petition the government, and to keep and bear arms. It protects us from unreasonable arrests and searches, excessive bail, double jeopardy, coerced confessions, and from cruel and unusual punishment. It upholds our rights to due process, jury trials, counsel, and to present defense witnesses. These are the freedoms and rights that define America.Surprisingly, Americans do not celebrate the foundation of our political freedom, the Bill of Rights -- but we should. And you can, by visiting and demonstrating your commitment to Liberty by contributing what you can to our noble cause!

We've worked hard all year to advance Liberty, please help us start the new year on the right foot by doing what you can to help.The Libertarian Party has worked hard to protect the rights of Ohioans everywhere. But we could have accomplished so much more! We are very limited by our funding. Every day there are more cases of eminent domain abuse, excessive taxes, regulations on our small businesses, and corruption. It is my sad duty to choose which issues and who we can afford to help with our limited resources.

Help us keep your agenda of protecting our American rights on the front burner!Have a very Happy Bill of Rights Day and please contribute to our fight as much as you're able! If you prefer to send your contribution in the mail, please send it to: LPO, 700 Morse Rd. Suite 208, Columbus OH 43214.

Thank you.
In Liberty,

Robert Butler
Executive Director, Libertarian Party of Ohio


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