Tuesday, December 05, 2006


TEACH Ohio 2007 is an exciting new program to:

1) Defeat over $200 million in new school levies

2) Elect 20 new small government School Board members (who sign the pledge!)

3) Get a School Choice Initiative on the ballot

4) Provide real alternatives to raising taxes to improve our schools.

How can we do this in just one year? Come hear our complete plan for electoral victory in 2007.

We'll be speaking Wednesday, December 6th at:
Palacio Azteca,
5232 Bardes Rd
Mason, OH 45040
Info/Map http://libertarian.meetup.com/47/

For more information, please reply to this email. You can contribute directly to our cause by clicking here:https://www.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_login-done&login_access=1165359049

Thank you,
Robert Butler


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Come here our complete plan for electoral victory in 2007. "
Your argument would be better without the misspelling.
Thing is, as long as people look at schools as daycare / entertainment centers that will pick up the students & deliver them home again in the afternoon and the parents do nothing to aid their kids getting an education, schools are going to need more and more money to provide their expanded services.
Education has not changed that much over the last 5,000 years but the role of the school in American society has, so people need to pony up for the services they want.
Libertarianism ain't for the lazy.

Thursday, December 07, 2006 1:06:00 PM  
Blogger CincinnatiLibertarian said...

If you look all of the recent tax levies, they were not to provide these extra services for their students, they claim that these levies are needed to provide bus service and to keep from laying off teachers. In some cases, the levies were needed to build/rehab schools. I can't think of one school district have needed more money for after/before school programs, school lunches, breakfasts, etc (I am sure you will correct me if I am wrong). If those programs were such an expensive endevor, and so highly valued by the parents, why aren't the schools asking for money for those programs?

Thursday, December 07, 2006 10:24:00 PM  

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